Day 5
May 17th, 2012
We woke up to puddles! Especially a huge one under the bed. I cleaned them up and set a little fan up to try to dry it out. Nothing dries out. The days before, everything would dry out in a matter of minutes. Now, it's so humid that it takes all day for a damp towel to get less damp. It's kind of a bummer!
We went to bed around 11pm and woke up to some clicking noises.. I'm convinced it was a cockroach, but Jake couldn't find anything. I still have a hard time sleeping whenever I hear anything like that.
Driving to Charlestown
We had some breakfast and went right to the pool. We swam for about 2 hours and then tanned for a while then swam again. We started to get hungry, so we decided to go to a little Bistro down the road. The bistro ended up being closed, but down the same road was a beautiful church called Cuttle Church. I guess Cuttle built it because he was such a great guy, he wanted his slaves to have a church too. What an awesome guy to give them a place to worship between beating and raping them and forcing them to work with no pay. Somehow it just made the place seem less beautiful.
We drove towards Charlestown looking for somewhere to eat. Most places were closed because apparently 4:30 is too late for lunch.. c'mon we're on vacation! So we finally settled for a Chinese place (even though we'd had chinese he day before) which was really good and left us both happy! then we headed to the market to look for a few things- including a floaty for the pool. No luck there, and we didn't feel like driving around anymore, so we went back to the bungalow and went swimming again. After we swam for about an hour we went on to the deck and both of us fell asleep. By the time we woke up it was almost dark, so we decided to heat up some leftover ribs from the night before and have a little dinner snack. After dinner we gave ourselfs manicures and pedicures(Jake basically just cut his nails) and then I read my book and Jake tried to work on the computer which is giving us some problems.. i think it's the humidity.
We went to bed around 11pm and woke up to some clicking noises.. I'm convinced it was a cockroach, but Jake couldn't find anything. I still have a hard time sleeping whenever I hear anything like that.
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