I'm SO bored! Honestly, I always dreamed about how cool it'd be to be a stay at home wife... but I'm losing it. I've worked for the past 10 years so not working is making me go a little stir crazy. I really don't miss waking up at 4:30am... but it's weird to have only a few days a week with something to do.
My dad has always been a "survivalist", so I've kind of made that my new hobby. I've learned to make things instead of buying them which I'm actually really enjoying, plus saving a lot of money.
My issue is that I lose interest quickly. like blogging.. I want to blog so I can read back and see what I was doing with my life, but it's just so boring. Also, I'm becoming a little bit of a recluse. Not all the time.. sometimes I go to town and spend the day with friends, but I live in the middle of the woods and can easily go an entire day without seeing or hearing another person(other than phone calls of FB...). I look out my window and see... birds. And trees. Occasionally bears or raccoons. I spend time with my dogs, but walking down the road is boring and walking down the trail is a little lonely. I heard some coyotes a few nights ago... which was about the most exciting thing that's happened to me. I spend a lot of time setting things on my belly and watching my baby kick them off. It's pretty interesting. Anyways, I've done my civil duty of blogging. I'll be able to read back in a few months and see how bored I was. Woooohooo.
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